Luca the Eagle lost his right wing.
Luca the Eagle lost his right wing.
Luca the eagle wonding what I'm doing.
Luca the eagle wonding what I'm doing.
Hal is unable to fly long distances.
Hal is unable to fly long distances.
The black rhinos trying to save their species from extinction.
The black rhinos trying to save their species from extinction.
Black rhinos are critically endanagered with only 4,240 left in the world.
Black rhinos are critically endanagered with only 4,240 left in the world.
This pair had a baby in 2019 that now lives in California.
This pair had a baby in 2019 that now lives in California.
Female black rhinos gestation period is 16 months. It will be 6 monhts before the vet can confirm if this female got pregnant.
Female black rhinos gestation period is 16 months. It will be 6 monhts before the vet can confirm if this female got pregnant.
Black rhinos are browsers which means they eat twigs, branches, leaves and shrubs. They use their lips to pluck leaves and fruit from the branches.
Black rhinos are browsers which means they eat twigs, branches, leaves and shrubs. They use their lips to pluck leaves and fruit from the branches.
Black rhinos live in the wild in Africa.
Black rhinos live in the wild in Africa.
African spurred tortoise
African spurred tortoise
Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Eurasian Eagle-Owl
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